The world upside down


After the exhibition “Women Today”, the Collectif “Tête-bêche” took part in Etterbeek’s Parcours d’artistes in 2014 with the theme “The World Upside Down” which corresponds well to our vision of the world. Indeed, our societies seem to have lost all reference: the rich are getting richer and richer, the others tend to become poorer. Have the ethical standards essential to the definition of our social order, disappeared? The women and men who should be at the center of our societies, seem to be moving away from it gradually, perhaps even out of it….
In this intentionally broad and vague perception, each of us will try to present through photos (some examples give a first impression) his vision of the “World upside down”


After the exhibition “Femme aujourd’hui”, the Collectif “Tête-bêche” took part in Etterbeek’s Parcours d’artistes in 2014 with the theme “The World Upside Down” which corresponds well to our vision of the world.


Indeed, our societies seem to have lost all reference: the rich are getting richer and richer, the others tend to become poorer. Have the ethical standards essential to the definition of our social order, disappeared? The women and men who should be at the centre of our societies, seem to be moving away from it gradually, perhaps even out of it….

In this intentionally broad and vague perception, each of us will try to present through photos (some examples give a first impression) his vision of the “World upside down”.


Ces visions, avec un surprenant mélange de béton, de verdure et de valeurs humaines, nous les avons présentées aux bruxellois et aux visiteurs de passage pendant près de deux mois, le cadre des caves voutées des Halles Saint-Géry donnant une sérénité à l’ensemble qui contraste avec la vie trépidante alentour propre au cœur de Bruxelles.

Bruxelles n’est pas seulement capitale européenne. Bruxelles c’est aussi la plus internationale des villes d’Europe avec plus de 183 nationalités différentes. Selon le World Migration Report de 2015 (publié par l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations) Bruxelles est d’ailleurs la deuxième ville la plus cosmopolite au monde. Selon ce même rapport, 62 % de ses habitants sont nés dans un autre pays ou ont des antécédents liés à l’immigration. Bruxelles, espace en mouvement permanent, perfectible, ouvert et parfois déroutant en est l’expression vivante. Ce cosmopolitisme qui a façonné la ville, contribuant à sa richesse culturelle, linguistique et patrimoniale, est aussi une source incroyable d’inspiration pour les artistes venus du monde entier s’installer à Bruxelles.

Avec « Kijk ….Bruxelles » nous avons voulu mettre à l’honneur cette dynamique propre à Bruxelles qui surprend mais surtout attire et fascine tant l’étranger: Bruxelles, terre d’accueil ; Bruxelles, ville jeune ; Bruxelles, capitale européenne ; Bruxelles, smart city ; Bruxelles, ville durable ; Bruxelles, ville verte ; Bruxelles ville en mutation ; etc. Les thèmes abordés par les photographes sont donc ceux de l’éducation, de la formation et de l’insertion professionnelle, du monde associatif et les travailleurs sociaux, de l’urbanisation et de la végétalisation.




« Je suis d’un autre pays que le votre, d’un autre quartier, d’une autre solitude.
Si vous n’avez pas, dès ce jour, le sentiment relatif de votre durée, il est inutile de vous transmettre, il est inutile de regarder devant vous car devant c’est derrière, la nuit c’est le jour. Et….
La solitude
La solitude… »


With the project of the world upside down, Sabrina wants to question the current society. Would our society become more individualistic? At the time of hyper communication and social networks, what about our real exchanges, the social link between men and women, our interaction with each other? Have we really become more indifferent to others? To try to answer these questions, she decided to observe society through the prism of an extremely busy square of the city. An incessant tingling, constant comings and goings, men and women come and go, paths that intersect and, here and there, as if lost, out of time, some seem alone in the world, as if disconnected from everything.


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With the project of the world upside down, Sabrina wants to question the current society. Would our society become more individualistic? At the time of hyper communication and social networks, what about our real exchanges, the social link between men and women, our interaction with each other? Have we really become more indifferent to others? To try to answer these questions, she decided to observe society through the prism of an extremely busy square of the city. An incessant tingling, constant comings and goings, men and women come and go, paths that intersect and, here and there, as if lost, out of time, some seem alone in the world, as if disconnected from everything.




« Je suis d’un autre pays que le votre, d’un autre quartier, d’une autre solitude.
Si vous n’avez pas, dès ce jour, le sentiment relatif de votre durée, il est inutile de vous transmettre, il est inutile de regarder devant vous car devant c’est derrière, la nuit c’est le jour. Et….
La solitude
La solitude… »


We living beings are all on the highway of existence with… one life to live. For some, sometimes it goes by very fast, too fast… we are here, we are still here… and then… we are dead and we are put aside: dead weight.

Dead weight of animals watching us from below.

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We living beings are all on the highway of existence with… one life to live. For some, sometimes it goes by very fast, too fast… we are here, we are still here… and then… we are dead, and we are put aside: dead weight.
Dead weight of animals watching us from below.




« Je suis d’un autre pays que le votre, d’un autre quartier, d’une autre solitude.
Si vous n’avez pas, dès ce jour, le sentiment relatif de votre durée, il est inutile de vous transmettre, il est inutile de regarder devant vous car devant c’est derrière, la nuit c’est le jour. Et….
La solitude
La solitude… »


How to translate this idea of “Upside-down World” into photographic terms?

Elements to answer this question may come from photos, on which at first sight the world appears in the place, whereas it is not. The elements we see, we believe are reassuring, but they are probably more fragile and uncertain. As the doubt settles, a simple question is asked: “Are we going into the wall?”

How much can these photos help? The answer belongs to the viewer.


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How to translate this idea of “Upside-down World” into photographic terms?

Elements to answer this question may come from photos, on which at first sight the world appears in the place, whereas it is not. The elements we see, we believe are reassuring, but they are probably more fragile and uncertain. As the doubt settles, a simple question is asked: “Are we going into the wall?”

How much can these photos help? The answer belongs to the viewer.




« Je suis d’un autre pays que le votre, d’un autre quartier, d’une autre solitude.
Si vous n’avez pas, dès ce jour, le sentiment relatif de votre durée, il est inutile de vous transmettre, il est inutile de regarder devant vous car devant c’est derrière, la nuit c’est le jour. Et….
La solitude
La solitude… »


“Recycling: between ecology, street art and extra wages for the poorest”.

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“Recycling: between ecology, street art and extra wages for the poorest”.

VIRGINIE (Tumbisha)



« Je suis d’un autre pays que le votre, d’un autre quartier, d’une autre solitude.
Si vous n’avez pas, dès ce jour, le sentiment relatif de votre durée, il est inutile de vous transmettre, il est inutile de regarder devant vous car devant c’est derrière, la nuit c’est le jour. Et….
La solitude
La solitude… »


“World upside down” or “So much pause”

To show what is between My Reality and My Imagination.

Through my clichés, let the confusion shine through?

It is not a question of condemning but of offering a citizen’s perspective sensitive to the rapid development of our cities.

And if we took the time, at the crossroads, to look where we came from, where we are and where we are going.

What if we took the time to question ourselves?


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“World upside down” or “So much pause”

To show what is between My Reality and My Imagination.

Through my clichés, let the confusion shine through?

It is not a question of condemning but of offering a citizen’s perspective sensitive to the rapid development of our cities.

And if we took the time, at the crossroads, to look where we came from, where we are and where we are going.

What if we took the time to question ourselves?